Archive for July 2011

Tradition...and all of its meaning.

I love bright orange...especially when it appears on a tractor.
In the good ol' town of Lund, NV there is a celebration every year for the 24th of July. It is legendary--well, sort of. Most people don't even know where Lund is, but if you do, you know of a place that is truly special {cough}. Just kidding, I really love this place.

Okay let me paint a picture for you...

Picture nothing in all of its nothingness (as in, sagebrush & alkali soil & tumble weeds & willow trees where there is any water at all & big giant cottonwoods wherever there is a little more than a little). Now, add mountains--beautiful, huge-o-mongous, amazingly magnificent mountains. Okay, with all of that splendor in your head, double the mountains & make them run north and south, parallel to each other. Then, put all that nothingness that you dreamed up earlier in between said mountains. Next, add the tiniest tiny town that you can think of (except cut it in half because it is probably smaller than that). Make sure though, that it contains a post office, a country store equipped with 2 (yes only two) gas pumps, a brand spankin' new K-12 school [est. 2002], rodeo grounds, a church, a volunteer fire dept. fire house, "the square," Carter's ag store, lots of tractors & alfalfa fields, cows, horses, other various farm animals, and a bunch of friendly, hardworking, old fashioned old people accompanied by their wonderful children & grandchildren who have moved back to keep the place alive. Oh, and don't forget the big blue silo. {BREATH}
Twins! At heart. :)

Also, you should know that the only road with lines on it is Main Street, which runs right through the center of town. All other roads may or may not be paved, the majority of which are not. Oh, almost forgot--in the foothills of those majestic mountains you created in your head, picture one particular hill with a giant white L on it. Perfect. On any given day I would say there are +/- 300 people in the actual Lund town. In the whole White River Valley which includes the ranch I live on, a tinier town called Preston, and some other outlying ranches there might be around 500. On the days during the 24th of July, this population triples. Maybe even quadruples. Can you even imagine it? I know.

The point of this big huge celebration in this little bitty town is to celebrate our great heritage. This White River Valley & all of it's charming allure would have never been discovered if it weren't for the courageous, stalwart pioneers that came over from the East and discovered it. The 24th of July is a national holiday (I'm pretty sure), but I am also pretty sure that it is only celebrated in Western states because we really are the only states that benefitted from it (I could have this all wrong, but like I said, I'm pretty sure). Most of the time when I tell people about Pioneer Day they look at me like I time travelled from the 1800s and may have grown up in a barn. They aren't far off.

Anyway, back to the point. This celebration is always a memorable one. I look forward to it every year and am somewhat dismayed when I find that I will not be able to be in attendance. It usually goes something like this:

Thursday - various gymkhana & rodeo events

Friday - Ranch rodeo during the day & more gymkhana stuff

Friday night - Dance at the firehouse (lots of country music and line dancing to be expected, possibly also a few drunk people that make for good entertainment).

Saturday - Parade in the morning. Town barbeque, kids games & talent show in the day. Rodeo (complete with bucking broncs, bull riding, barrel racing, etc.) that afternoon/evening. And of course, the famous Lund Fireworks show to wrap it all up.
Now, I know what you all may be thinking--that it doesn't sound like that much fun. Am I right? Well, you my friends, are wrong. W-R-O-N-G. 'Tis a grand ol' time. Seriously though. I think what makes it the most fun is seeing all the people that you don't get to see that often, but that you still find yourself caring about deeply. It's knowing that we are all coming together as one community that is proud of our heritage and proud of our lovable, adorable, enchanting little town. Some magic happens on this weekend, because most of the time I don't feel this way about said town. Maybe it's the influx of amazing people that fill the place with smiles and love, but I'd like to think that it is real life magic. That the pioneer fairy comes down and sprinkles amazing dust over the whole valley for the weekend. Then, as it comes to an end it blows up in the sky appearing to be fireworks. I know. I'm weird. It's okay, you are too.

So Friday I went to the dance, followed by some very lazy rabbit hunting with my friends (we used shotguns so it's pretty much a guaranteed hit unless you can't hit the broad side of a barn). Saturday began with the parade in which I appeared as a back seat driver of my friend Oakley's truck which was pulling a float. I was a terrible parade participant, for I bore no candy and supplied no waves. Disappointing.
The beginnings of the parade.

Saturday night was spent at the rodeo (holla atchya cowboys), and then watching the fireworks show from the grass at the square. I love the fireworks in Lund because the people who light them (what would these people be called? firework conductors? blast-o-maniacs? lighting buggers? not sure...anyway) aren't too far away while lighting them so they basically explode right over your head. Plus it's like the longest fireworks show of your life. Seriously. Later that night I went to a bon fire. To say it was entertaining would be the understatement of the summer. Oh what hicks will do in the middle of nowhere with a fire and some beer. I think intoxication turns f-u-n into f-i-g-h-t, and the best thing that people can think of to do is to run their mouths and instigate a full on brawl. I was thankful to be on the sober side of things.

The weekend was wrapped up with a packed church causing the sacrament to be passed in various rooms containing the great overflow that couldn't quite make it in the chapel. I loved it. I relished in every second of the massive quantities of people that showed up to achieve a fulfilled Sabbath. Yay for church & traditions & our pioneer heritage. I wish we could do it all over again next week, but next year works too.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 by Keisha Marie
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"Faith Is Like A Little Seed..."

"Faith is like a little seed, if planted it will grow."

At every still moment, I almost always find myself reflecting on my decision to come back to church and how much it has blessed my life.  I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for orchestrating a way for this change to happen.  Some days I look back on all that has transpired and silently say a prayer of thanks to be in the place I am.

I have a great testimony of the strength that Christ provides you with if you but make the tiniest effort to try and do what is right.  Looking back at the beginning of my journey, I remember how impossible it seemed. I remember feeling completely hopeless about the task in front of me.  I had to change my entire life. I had to change how I thought about everything. I had to give up a lot. The very idea seemed unachievable.

I frequently ponder the prayers that I said during that time in my life, and how my sacrifices were met with blessings.  So many amazing people have come into my life since that very first day, and I know that because they had perviously chosen to follow Jesus Christ, they were in a position to be instruments in His hands to help me walk back to the path. I am so thankful that there are stronger people than me out there,that they are so willing to serve others, and that they think of themselves last, but surely not least. I know that without them, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't.

Neal A. Maxwell said in a talk given at a BYU Women's Conference a few years ago that, during the course of conversion we are well watched over. He says, "Mercifully, the whisperings of the Spirit nudge us along the path in an almost private process. Through it all we will need to be strong enough for ourselves but also strong enough to help others, because there will be immigrants arriving from Babylon—there will even be some defectors from the “great and spacious building” (1 Ne. 8:26)—and they need to encounter people like you."

This road hasn't always been easy, but it will always be worth it.  I strive to become like the people that helped me on my way, and I do all I can to try and help other's to come unto Christ. To feel of His love and to recognize all the tools that He has given us on this Earth to grow. I know that My Redeemer lives, and that He loves us. This knowledge has given me more peace & hope than I could have ever imagined, and nothing in this world is worth losing that.

I pray everyday that I may better serve Him. That in some small, totally insignificant way I may feebly attempt to pay back the debt that I owe--or don't owe for that matter (thanks to Him). That He may be proud that I am a disciple of His. I am far, far, far from perfect; but I am trying.

Monday, July 25, 2011 by Keisha Marie
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A night with my sis...

In between my Utah trips I was home for a couple days and had some serious family time. Some memories from those two days:

Listening to Nychea's stories from Youth Conference.
Painting my grandma's toe nails.
Every minute with Odessa.
And the night before I left, my adventure with Nychea and her friends.

Basically my boring Wednesday (July 13th) of cleaning, packing, and playing catch up on here turned into a really fun night! Nychea's friends Hannah and Autumn came down from Ely and brought James with them from Lund. Nychea had made us all hobo dinners earlier and so we headed to the 4-H camp pond to swim and have a fire.  When we got there, the gate was not open as we were told, so we ended up having to throw everything over the fence and then hop over it ourselves.  Well, it was more like climb over it; it was a really tall chain-link fence with barbed wire on the top (so serious). We all made it over with out any injury and quickly made our way to the water.

Swimming turned into a n a s t y moss fight, and I don't think I have laughed that hard in quite awhile. I felt a little silly hanging out with a bunch of 16 year olds, but hey, I'll take what I can get out here. ;) 

We started a fire and threw on our dinners then continued to swim while they cooked. The moon was sooo bright, casting the prettiest light on us as we all sat around the fire eating our hobo dinners...with NO forks. Haha. We truly were hobos. So sloppy.

After making some delicious s'mores we packed everything up, put the fire out, and had to climb over the fence again. This time, I came out with a small wound. Those barbs can be kinda tricky sometimes... When we were all back in the truck we headed back to Lund to drop off James and then came back to the ranch for a little scary movie. I thought, "I am pretty much over scary movies, this won't even be fun." Wrong. I ended up in the same recliner as Nychea, holding on to her for dear life. At one point we both jumped and screamed at the same time and definitely banged heads. I guess I underestimated this one, but never again. I freaking HATE scary movies. Yuck!

Favorite quotes from the night, "You can't touch my chastity boob-basket!" "'Sup wit it!?" "Ew." "He's 14!?" "ohh, you mutha uh uhh." and on and on...oh I miss being 16! 

Thursday, July 21, 2011 by Keisha Marie
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A Precious Promise

It is so nice to know that I don't have to compete.
My worth is not measured by how many people call me their friend, by how many guys give me attention, or by what other people think of me.
It doesn't matter how cute my clothes are, or how nice of a car I drive.
I am here because I am a child of God and I know that He loves me & watches over me.
I am all I am because of my family. They love me no matter what, and they are great examples to me.
My bishop once gave me a blessing when I was going through a r e a l l y hard time and in it he said, "may you be blessed with a deeper concern for what your Father in Heaven thinks than what others do, and may your choices not be affected by what your peers think of you."
I know that if I strive to keep His commandments, His promises to me will be kept. I have sacred covenants to keep, and I have been promised blessings in return.
It is so nice to know that all I have to do is be myself. I don't have to try and impress people, I don't have to "win." I just have to be kind & loving, meek & mild, and God will take care of everything for me.
There is a great peace that comes with knowing that He has everything under control, that I don't have to worry about what anyone else is doing or saying, I just have to worry about me.
Am I pleasing the Lord? Am I doing my best?
Faith Pictures, Images and Photos
I have been made a precious promise--one that I hold close to my heart; that love & marriage will come "at the appropriate time and place." This is a weight lifted off my shoulders. 
I don't have to chase, I just have to wait patiently. Quietly doing what I know is right. I just have to let go and let God deal with it.
‎As Neal A, Maxwell once said, "Love is never wasted, for its value does not rest upon reciprocity."
In other words, not everyone will love me, but I can strive to love everyone.
And also, Jesus commanded that we love everyone, and treat them kindly too. So this is what I strive to do.
Charity never failleth, and I am not scared anymore. Actually, I'm fearless. Faith has made me fearless.
I don't love with walls, I don't question and second guess.
I no longer assume that I am lied to and deceived. 
I trust with an open heart, I love with all I have, and I know that if I am deceived, if I am lied to; it is not my battle to fight, not my case to prove.
So when you say, "I love you." I believe you. I trust you. And I love you too.
There is a part of "My Banner Will Be Clear" that I recite in my head often. It says,
 "I no longer need preeminence, positions, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded."
I know that the promises that have been made to me are real. I know that God lives. 
I don't claim to be perfect, and I still have days where I have to remind myself of what is important and try and forget about what is not. 
I refuse to feel angry or jealous. I refuse to be worried and troubled. All these negative emotions keep me from helping others and keep me concentrating on myself. There is no glory in self-pity. 
So I give up. You win.

by Keisha Marie
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Independence Day! :)

After my resolution to look on the bright side, things in my life suddenly started to look, well, BRIGHTER! :)

The week before the 4th was spent working, a lot! My job is amazing. I love it so much.  I work with girls who come from troubled pasts and have challenges far bigger than mine in their lives.  They are so strong and hopeful and they are a strength to me as they help me to remember how blessed I am.  I am sooo thankful for the opportunity I have to try and be an example to them of how happy a life free of drugs, and violence can be.

On Saturday Nychea and I went to Ely and went out on the lake with Oakley and her family.  It has been so nice to see Oakley all the time! I missed her SO much and am really happy to have such a good friend in my life.  Boating was a blast! We wakeboarded for awhile because the water was like glasssss. Just perfect :)
Once the water started to get choppy, we broke out the tubes and Oakley's dad gave us the ride of our lives.  It was so much fun just soaking up the sun and laughing with people I love. Right before we left, Oakley's dad gave some little kids a ride on the tube and basically made their whole day.  It was so sweet and nice of him.  Things like that just make me smile. 

That night we went to Oakley's and had a BBQ with her entire extended family, who I haven't seen in almost two years so it was way fun to catch up and talk.  After we ate we split up into 4 teams and played some beach volleyball in Oakley's back yard.  When we were in high school her dad put in an official sand court in their back yard equipped with snap lines, lights and all. We played volleyball well into the night and it was a blast! I had so much fun. In between games I jumped on the trampoline with her little cousin Hayden and he pretty much fell in love with me. ;) ha. After a sun filled day of exhausting, totally amazing activities we headed home and hit the hay. Soooo tired.

The 3rd was fast Sunday and so that meant Fast & Testimony meeting! It is my favorite meeting because I grow so much from other people's beautiful testimonies. This Sunday I was particularly grateful for my blessings because being around the girls that I work with really makes me see how much I have. My heart was overflowing as I sat through the meeting. I was suddenly overwhelmingly thankful to be home with my family and at that moment I knew that was the most important thing on Earth and I was exactly where I needed to be.

Monday morning we packed up the car with apple pie ingredients and swim suits and headed to Eureka, Nevada for their 4th of July celebration.  We met my sister and her boyfriend Logan there and watched the parade.  Then we all took part in their relay races on main street. We pretty much dominated:
Won some $$

Sam racin'

 Odessa :)
I talked Megan into doing the sack race with me, and then about half way through, to my surprise she was beating me! So I hurried and caught up to her and right before the finish line. When were were neck-and-neck I reached out and pulled her back so that I could win--they never said there were any rules! She reached back and gave me a good smack in the chest and the whole crowd gasped...I guess we don't really look like sisters. Haha. I think they were getting ready for a fight, but we just laughed hysterically and hugged. It was really funny. They still gave her first though, which I am a little ticked about! ;P
Three-legged race champions!
Megan & Logan
After the relay races we went down to the park to get some pulled-pork sandwiches. When we were all fed we came back up to Main St. for the egg toss (the prize was 50 dollars, let's be real here). Megan and Logan went together and Ashley and I were partners. We threw the eggs back and forth, taking a step back each time. Pretty soon we were all they way across Main St. throwing eggs. Megan and Logan made it to the final 5 partners when they finally dropped their egg.
 Mom & Sis
 Best Friends <3
Trio :)
Hahaaaa ;)


 She is sooo pretty! :)

Following the egg toss we went up to Logan's great grandma's house and started making apple pie for the BBQ. Everyone went to the pool except my mom and I.  I had to work the night before and got about 1 hour of sleep so I took a nap and my mom made her legendary apple pie :)

When I woke up everyone was back and the food was ready so we ate. The food and the apple pie was amazing, per usual. That night we headed back to the ranch but made a quick stop in Ely to watch the fireworks with Oakley's family and light some of our own. Nothing like a summer night with people you love! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011 by Keisha Marie
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Looking on the Bright Side

Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different.  
- Katherine Mansfield


Sunday, June 18th

When I got home from Lava I had to drive straight out to work.  My shift was from 10pm-6am. I was less than excited. The whole time I was there I was wishing I had gotten to take a long nap that day. Sooo tired.

Thursday, June 23rd

I had to go to the dentist and I had 4 hours of work done on me... Not fun. I was pretty upset and it sucked so bad being numb all that time after. And to top it off we drove all the way to Reno from the ranch and back overnight to do it. Not a fun trip.

Saturday, June 25th

Not a fun day for me. At all. :(

Sunday, June 26th

Ahhh. Sunday at last!! I never knew how much I was missing by not going to church every week. I feel so much more fulfilled by going, and I am constantly reminded of how much I have and how much I take for granted. Sunday, while I sat in church I realized that I can't continue to look at the bad things in every situation.  I looked back on things that happened and found myself concentrating on everything that went wrong, and everything that didn't happen, instead of dwelling on the things that I loved, and all the fun stuff that did happen.
Sunday I made a resolution to be more positive.  I decided that I needed to make a greater effort to look on the bright side.   If you have negative thoughts, you attract negative feelings and experiences, and I was sick of it.  So now, I keep a smile on my face, I keep my heart light, and I keep my focus forward. Part of living the gospel is trusting that the Lord really does know what is best and really will take care of you.  As long as you are doing what you are supposed to be, things will always be okay.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 by Keisha Marie
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