Looking on the Bright Side

Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different.  
- Katherine Mansfield


Sunday, June 18th

When I got home from Lava I had to drive straight out to work.  My shift was from 10pm-6am. I was less than excited. The whole time I was there I was wishing I had gotten to take a long nap that day. Sooo tired.

Thursday, June 23rd

I had to go to the dentist and I had 4 hours of work done on me... Not fun. I was pretty upset and it sucked so bad being numb all that time after. And to top it off we drove all the way to Reno from the ranch and back overnight to do it. Not a fun trip.

Saturday, June 25th

Not a fun day for me. At all. :(

Sunday, June 26th

Ahhh. Sunday at last!! I never knew how much I was missing by not going to church every week. I feel so much more fulfilled by going, and I am constantly reminded of how much I have and how much I take for granted. Sunday, while I sat in church I realized that I can't continue to look at the bad things in every situation.  I looked back on things that happened and found myself concentrating on everything that went wrong, and everything that didn't happen, instead of dwelling on the things that I loved, and all the fun stuff that did happen.
Sunday I made a resolution to be more positive.  I decided that I needed to make a greater effort to look on the bright side.   If you have negative thoughts, you attract negative feelings and experiences, and I was sick of it.  So now, I keep a smile on my face, I keep my heart light, and I keep my focus forward. Part of living the gospel is trusting that the Lord really does know what is best and really will take care of you.  As long as you are doing what you are supposed to be, things will always be okay.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 by Keisha Marie
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