It is official. This is serious.
I was on the phone twice today and both times after being told "thank you," I responded not with you're welcome, but with some other nonchalant phrase. And in one case not even actual words but a NOISE.
Am I that person with no manners that everyone kind of pauses after they speak to and thinks, okay... But then doesn't really say anything because we live in a world where manners aren't really expected anymore? That doesn't mean that they shouldn't be expected or taught, I will teach my kids to be polite and I thought I was polite. [Then again I thought I was a lot of things that other people seem to think I am not]. But anyway, back to the question. Am I that person!?
This is disconcerting to me. I want to express to people when I help them and get thanked for it that it really wasn't a big deal, that I love to serve others and help out. That their phone call didn't interrupt anything terribly important and I actually enjoyed our exchange on the phone even if it was just relaying information to them about the whereabouts of my parents. That they are welcome!
When did I stop saying you're welcome?
And so, this is a new goal to add to my list: say "you're welcome" when someone tells you thank you.
I don't think that I ever would have thought of this as a problem, except today my great uncle Roger, who I adore, called the house. After a briefing of our activities for the day and promising him that I would give his message to my grandpa he said, "thank you, dear" and I said, "mhmm, bye." Hello!? This is my 80 something-year-old great uncle!? Who grew up in a time when you tipped your hats at ladies when they walked in a room, gave up your seat for any woman who was standing, opened every door for women--even if you didn't know them, and expected manners! I was so disappointed in myself.
Manners. Being polite. Being more thoughtful of the words that come out of my mouth--or lack thereof. Yes, let the challenge begin.