this is the place.

while we were in the salt lake area for eleshia's wedding, my family spent the morning of 8.13.11 at this is the place monument in salt lake city. for those of you who don't know, this is a monument dedicated to the pioneers who came west with brigham young. when they came up over the mountains and saw the salt lake valley brigham young said, "this is the place." and it was here that they settled, finally free from religious persecution. 

my dad is basically a genius and gave us all the history we could ever want as we spent the day walking around hearing different stories of the families who settled the wasatch valley. my great-great-great-grandfather's house was there in the heritage village.
we had a fun day of learning about our pioneer heritage and making crafts. the best part about hearing of other people's hardships is it kinda makes you forget your own. that, or realize that yours weren't so bad in the first place. those great people endured so much. i'm so glad that there is a beautiful monument dedicated to their sacrifices. it was so awesome to be able to spend some time with the whole family together, too.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011 by Keisha Marie
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