just for now

I am going to catch up at some point, but for now...
I would just like to say; I am so extremely excited for Thanksgiving. Mostly because of two things:

Samuel Paul Burdick
[in my presence again]


50 of the World's Greatest Stewart Family members.

What else could I ever ask for?

I already know that there will be a lot of hugging and this scream/squeal thing that my sisters and I tend to do when we are reunited with our aunts.
There will be more laughing than is even fathomable to most people. My family is absolutely, irrefutably, thee funniest family around. Between my dad & my uncle's jokes, and their wives attitudes, there is never a dull moment.
We will play catch phrase. We will tell embarrassing stories. We will eat a lot of scrumptious food. We will smile until our cheeks hurt. We will visit temple square. We will stay up late talking about life, and telling stories. 
And it will all end way too soon.

If I was an artist and could paint a picture of what Thanksgiving was like to me, I would paint big smiles, tears (we laugh so hard & love so deeply that we all cry at some point), hugging, thank yous, kisses, and food. But more feelings and things come to mind when I think of family gatherings that you can't even depict in an image: 
I really can't wait.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 by Keisha Marie
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One Comment

  1. We are an awesome lot. We are loud, funny stories some get a little stretched, but thats okay it just makes for more fun. Good food,happy times. We have been so blessed to have our beautiful grandchildren every year since they were born. But now I know they are moving on to make memories of their own.Maybe we will get to share in some of them if we don't get to old and start repeatig things ten times or have to have or food pureed. But for now we willenjoy every minute we have together. see you soon .Be safe. Love Grandma Stewart

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